by Jackie Edwards

"That's it, Boss." Jenny Sherman, Hawaii 5-0's secretary handed Steve McGarrett a sheaf of neatly typed papers. "It's a good speech."

McGarrett made a face. "I hate these things."

She patted his arm.

"But you do them so well." Then she grinned. "If you didn't, they wouldn't keep asking you."

McGarrett's face lit. "Ahhh!"

"Don't you dare!" She scolded, but the brown eyes twinkled.

McGarrett glanced at the clock on his desk.

"Eight o'clock, Jenny I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was this late."

The woman shrugged. "It's okay, Steve. I didn't have plans for tonight."

Steve smiled fondly as she began to tidy up his desktop.

"What would we do without you, Jenny?"

She grinned and started for her office.

"Let's hope you never have to find out."

Steve was on her heels, switching out the lights in his office.

"Hey, how about I buy you dinner?"

Jenny picked up her jacket.

"You don't have do that, Steve."

"I'll bet you didn't have lunch, either, did you?"

She looked at him, head cocked to one side.

"I didn't mind staying. Really."

McGarrett assumed a hurt expression.

"What? You don't want to have dinner with me?"

Jenny shook her head in exasperation.

"Okay, you've got yourself a deal." She took his proffered arm. "Lead on."


It was almost 8:30 when they pulled into the parking lot of the Japanese Restaurant that 5-0 patronized. It was owned by Chin Ho Kelly's uncle, Lee. and right around the corner from the Iolani Palace where the unit was housed.

The restaurant was nearly deserted, its dinner crowd having come and gone. Chin's uncle came to meet them, round face wreathed in smiles.

"Mr. McGarrett, Miss Sherman! How good to see you."

He led them to a table by the door, pulling Jenny's chair out for her.

"I'll be back in a minute for your order." The man promised, heading back to the kitchen.

When they'd placed their orders, Steve poured them both tea. They talked about McGarrett's speech to be delivered the next afternoon, about Hawaii's football team and the upcoming Aloha parade, then settled into a companionable silence. Finally McGarrett spoke.

"Do you get the feeling something's in the air?" He asked, sipping tea.

"Not exactly Lee's usual relaxed atmosphere." Jenny agreed.

"I wish I could remember where I've seen that guy before." Steve said again.

Jenny glanced at the table across the room. "Beats me."

At the other table, two men talked in low tones, stealing an occasional glance at McGarrett.

"I tell you, if McGarrett's here, that means we're busted!"

"We don't know that!" His companion argued. "He's got a woman with him--"

"Policewoman probably." Frank Heller interrupted. "I tell you, he knows!"

"Just wait and see!" His companion, Gerry Fong, cautioned.

"I'm not doin' a hit with Top Cop watchin' for God's sake!"

"Wait and see." Fong repeated.

McGarrett put down his cup.


"What?" Jenny heard the excitement in her boss's voice.

"The dark-haired man sitting at the table across from us is Gerry Fong!" Jenny forced herself not to look up.

"The hit Kono heard was supposed to happen and didn't?"

Steve nodded. "Maybe. It's possible that for whatever reason Heller postponed the job, if he was the one ordering the hit."

"Ty Chinese. Fong's been threatening him for months."

McGarrett nodded, rising slowly. "And Chin says he has dinner here every Thursday at 10:00. I think I'll have a word with Lee."

As McGarrett moved toward the kitchen, Gerry Fong rose and pulled a gun from under his jacket.

"Steve! Get down!" Jenny screamed, jumping up when she saw the gun.

Panicked, Heller swung around, his finger squeezing the trigger as he turned his weapon on the 5-0 secretary. McGarrett watched in horror as Jenny screamed again, this time in shock and pain, crumpling to the floor.

McGarrett froze for a split second, then hit the floor, gun out. But the gunman leapt aside and fired into the floor beside Jenny's still form.

"Drop it, cop." The killer spat. "Or your lady friend gets another shot."

Slowly, reluctantly, McGarrett put his revolver on a nearby table.

"Let me see how badly she's hurt." The last was said through gritted teeth. Jenny hadn't moved and from the rapidly growing pool of blood, McGarrett feared he'd given up his weapon for nothing.

Without waiting for Gerry's permission, Steve crossed the floor in three quick strides and knelt beside the injured woman. Dreading what he would find, Steve put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Jenny?" McGarrett's voice was gentle but with an underlying desperation. Carefully he turned her onto her back. "Honey. Jenny."

Her lashes fluttered and she looked up at Steve, dark eyes clouded with pain and confusion.


"Shhh." McGarrett forced a smile, smoothing his fingers across her cheek. "Lie still until we can get some help in here."

"No help is coming, Cop." Heller sneered from behind him.

In one smooth motion McGarrett rose, turning to face the two men, poised for attack.

"Hold it!" Gerry Fong snapped, his gun trained on the Five-0 chief. "I'll kill you too."

"She needs a doctor." McGarrett argued.

"Too bad." Heller said, motioning toward Jenny. "You're so concerned, sit down next to her."

Steve knelt beside his secretary again. He felt for a pulse, relieved to find one. Her breathing was rough, her skin the color of tallow.

Swallowing hard, McGarrett carefully pulled Jenny's blouse out of her skirt, revealing the raw wound that still oozed warm blood.

Steve yanked the tablecloth, sending plates and cutlery flying. Quickly he folded the crude bandage and held it against her side to stanch the blood flow. Already his hands were covered with bright red and Jenny had slipped back into unconsciousness.

"She needs an ambulance!" McGarrett snapped, half-turning to their captors.

"Just sit there and shut up, McGarrett!" Fong told him. "I've got to think."

"You'd better think fast." Steve told him. "Because if she dies, you're looking at murder one with witnesses."

"Keep an eye on him. I'm going to check out the kitchen." Gerry Fong moved through the swinging doors to the restaurant's inner sanctum.

Lee stood at the sink, washing dishes, while his chef slipped covered dishes into a huge freezer. Both looked up at Fong's entrance.

"Where's that kid I saw earlier?" Fong demanded, his gun aimed at Chin's uncle.

"He's on a delivery." The portly man said, drying his hands. "What's with the gun?"

"Never mind. Both of you, out in the other room."

Lee and his cook preceded the mob leader into the dining room where the other two diners sat unobtrusively at a corner table.

"Sit down." Fong gestured to the table McGarrett and Jenny had vacated.

"You're not going to get away with whatever you're up to, Fong." Steve said, turning back to him. "Not now. Somebody will have heard those shots and called HPD. Ty Chinese won't be keeping his reservation."

Fong contemplated McGarrett for a long minute.

"He's right. We've got to get out of here before the cops come."

"What about them?" Heller gestured to the six prisoners.

"What do you think?" Fong said.

"Oh, that's really smart, Fong." Steve sneered, rising slowly. "Kill all of us and you'll never make it around the block." McGarrett hesitated. "But if you want a hostage to get you off this rock... take me."

Heller snorted. "Right!"

Fong touched his companion's arm. "McGarrett's the best insurance policy we could find." A smile curved the thin lips. "Very obliging of you, McGarrett."

"Let me call my office. I'll tell them what you want and call an ambulance for her." He gestured to Jenny.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Heller grinned at him. "You'd like to talk to your buddies, maybe send them a message?" Suddenly the smile was gone. "No way, Cop!"

"I can get you a car and a helicopter to another island." Steve said, hoping the desperation wasn't evident in his voice. "And we can have a plane ready to take off from any air strip you name."

Fong studied him again, then shook his head.

"You don't make deals, McGarrett. I know your rep. You'd no more deal with us than you'd fly to the moon."

"I give you my word!" Steve told him, fist clenched. "This is on the level. I'm the best hostage you've got. Stop now before she dies and you're up for murder."


Sandy ran up the steps of the Iolani Palace, to the security desk.

"I need to get in touch with Dan Williams of 5-0." The youngster said. "It's an emergency!"

The guard leaned over the desk to look at the boy.

"What's the emergency?"

Lee's delivery boy took a breath and plunged into his tale of violence.


McGarrett changed the makeshift bandage with hands that shook. It had been over 30 minutes since the shooting and the wound still bled. McGarrett was beginning to think nothing would stop it.

Fong and Heller had retreated to the bar, guns trained on their captives who sat in one corner of the dining room. Lee, his chef and the two customers sat around one table while Steve sat beside Jenny on the floor.

"Steve. . . ."

McGarrett felt her hand on his wrist and looked down.

"Jenny. How do you feel?"

She swallowed, licking dry lips. "Not too bad. Tired." She sighed. "It's bad, isn't it?"

McGarrett reached for a glass of water and helped her take a sip. But she wasn't to be deterred.

"Isn't it?" She persisted.

"Yeah, it's bad. They're here to hit Ty Chinese and there's not a lot I can do about it."

"What about me?" Her voice was so soft Steve leaned forward to hear her.

"I won't lie to you, Honey." McGarrett stroked her cheek. "It's not good. But we'll get you a doctor and you'll be okay."

"Right." Jenny was still for a long moment, then; "Steve?"

"Yeah?" McGarrett pressed against the wound in her side.

"Don't do anything crazy." Concern replaced the cloudiness in her eyes. "Don't get yourself killed over me."

"Suppose you let me worry about you for a change?" He suggested gently.

"I mean it, Steve." Jenny bit her lip as a sudden pain snaked through her. "I don't think it'll matter one way or another."

"None of that!" McGarrett told her fiercely. "You hang on, pretty lady. I'll get you some help."

Jenny's grip on his wrist loosened and Steve felt a jab of panic shoot through him.


"It's okay, Steve." She murmured, eyes closing. "I'm just so tired . . . ."

McGarrett's hand clenched into a fist, his eyes closing as he fought to regain control. He had to keep a clear head if they were going to get out of this. It wasn't just him this time, there were four innocents he was responsible for -- and Jenny. He had to find a way to get her some medical help.


Outside the restaurant, Dan Williams silently assembled his task force.

When the Palace security guard had put Sandy's call through to Danny, the 5-0 second in command had immediately moved. Now, along with Chin Ho, Kono and an HPD attachment, Williams waited in the darkness for a sign from within the eatery.

"Danny." Chin came up beside him. "We got to Ty Chinese. He's not coming for dinner tonight."

"Smart man." Williams murmured without taking his eyes off the building across the street. He nodded toward it. "Soon they're going to know something's gone wrong and spot us. We've got to move soon."

"Sandy say how many were in the restaurant?" Chin asked.

Danny shook his head. "All we know is Steve's in there and your uncle sent Sandy out to contact me."

"Steve probably stopped for dinner after he finished that speech."

"Yeah. I just hope nobody's been hurt." Danny replied.


"Gerry, we got trouble!" Heller was at the window, peering through the curtains. "There's cops across the street."

"Cops? Get over here and cover them."

The two men exchanged places and Gerry Fong studied the scene outside.

"Dammit!" He swung to face McGarrett. "How'd they find out?"

Anger snapped in the blue eyes.

"How should I know? You know where I've been for the last hour!"

"You screwed up my hit, McGarrett!" Fong snarled, coming toward him.

"I'm willing to be your hostage." Steve reiterated, almost pleading. "Just let me tell my people to send an ambulance."

Fong considered. Obviously the thought of a shoot-out with 5-0 didn't appeal.

"All right, McGarrett. This is what you're going to do. Frank is going to open that door and you're going to tell them what I say."

"And you let the others go and get a doctor in here." McGarrett said.

"Deal. But if you say anything except what I tell you, you and your girlfriend are dead. You got that?"

McGarrett nodded tersely and moved to the door. Heller opened it, the barrel of his automatic shoved painfully in the middle of Steve's back.

"Call them." Fong told him.


The name came out in a strangled croak. McGarrett took a breath of the tropical night air, then tried again.

"Danno! Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Steve." Williams' voice came over the blow horn. "Are you all right?"

"Tell him you want a car with no license plates here in twenty minutes. Then I want to go to the airport."

"Danno! I need an unmarked car with no plates, I need it in twenty minutes and a plane fueled at the airport."

Danny glanced at Chin and saw the same incredulous expression on his face. They could see Heller behind McGarrett, but Williams knew even the best sharp shooter wouldn't be able to get a clear shot at the gunman.

"Steve! Is anybody hurt?" Danny shouted, stalling. If Steve was willing to make a deal with these guys, something was definitely wrong. And while he didn't seem to be injured, it was possible that one of the hostages had been. A neighbor had called HPD reporting gun shots.

Inside the restaurant, Gerry Fong was growing edgy by the delay.

"I want safe passage for Frank and I, McGarrett! And fifty thousand dollars." Fong hissed. "Convince him!"


Williams heard the underlying urgency in McGarrett's voice and something like fear seeped through him.

"Something's wrong, Chin." Danny told him.

"UH-uh. You wanna go in?"

"Not yet. Make sure the back's covered."


Chin slipped into the darkness.


"Yeah Steve?" The Five-0 second in command raised the blow horn to his lips.

"And fifty thousand dollars. Then they'll let the hostages in here go." McGarrett felt a tremor go through him and steeled himself against loosing control. "Do it, Danno! And get an ambulance here right behind the car. I'm going with Fong and Heller. Let us go and as soon as we're gone, get in here with a doctor."

"That's enough, McGarrett." Heller jabbed the gun further into Steve's back. "Get back."


McGarrett took a breath, hands balled into fists of frustration.

"Get back, McGarrett." Heller pulled the detective inside and slammed the door.

"Now we wait." Gerry Fong said, motioning McGarrett back to his place beside Jenny.

Lee sat beside the 5-0 secretary, holding the tablecloth bandage in place. He relinquished his spot as Steve dropped beside Jenny.

"Jenny. . . ." McGarrett touched her cheek and found the skin dry and cold. Fear gripped him tighter and he tried again. "Jenny."

Her eyes opened and slowly the cloudiness faded, replaced by alertness.

"How you doing pretty girl?" McGarrett's smile was tender, his touch gentle as he smoothed her cheek.


McGarrett knew she wasn't fine and so did Jenny. The fist in his chest tightened again, cutting off the words he wanted so badly to say to her, yet couldn't. The walls were crumbling, but a lifetime of control, of hiding his emotions, made confessions hard. Steve wanted to tell her how much he depended on her, how much they all depended on her. How much he needed her. Not just to answer phones and take dictation. The Five-0 team had come to rely on her for much more than that. She screened their visitors, giving McGarrett a heads-up on their manner and level of sincerity. He wanted to tell her how much he appreciated her attempts to mother his people -- him. To make sure they took time to eat and sleep when they were submerged in a case. How she checked on them when they were home with the flu, bringing soup and fluffing pillows. McGarrett knew that he and Danno and the others were her substitute family -- the husband and children she'd never had. But perhaps that's why he felt a special kinship with Jenny; she and the others were his family, as well. And right now he desperately wanted to tell this member of his family the thoughts that ran through his head, and couldn't. Why didn't he have Danno's ability to convey his feelings or Kono's capacity to 'tell it like it is'? McGarrett cursed his damnable pride and lightly pushed a lock of hair from Jenny's forehead.

"Boss. . . ." Her voice was a whisper and Steve leaned forward, his ear near her lips. "It's okay, I know."

She didn't see the tears that misted in his eyes and when McGarrett straightened up she'd slipped back into unconsciousness. It wasn't all right, Dammit! He swore that if they made it out of here and Jenny pulled through, there would be some changes made and the secretary would know exactly how much Five-0 -- and Steve McGarrett -- depended on her.

"Where's that car, McGarrett?!" Gerry Fong stood over him.

"It'll be here." Steve's voice was hoarse.

"It better be."

Taking a grip on his fading control, McGarrett stood to face the mobster.

"You said that the others could go. You don't need them, you have me." He swallowed hard. "Let them send in the doctor --"

"Not until we're gone!" Heller snapped from across the room. "Forget it, Cop!"

"Let them go, Fong." McGarrett spoke carefully, straining to keep his voice from breaking. "Just these four. And let the doctor in."

The Chinese mobster studied him for a moment, then nodded.

"All right. They go. But no doctor until that car is here and we're in it."

McGarrett's fists flexed, anxiety warring for control.

"That's my deal, McGarrett. Take it or leave it."

"All right." He turned to the four hostages. "All of you, out of here. And tell Danny Williams to hurry up with the car and ambulance."


Quickly the four filed out of the restaurant, breaking into a run as they reached the night's freedom. Once they reached the police cars, Lee sought out Williams.

"It's bad inside, Danny." The Chinese told him. "Jenny's in real bad shape."

"Jenny?" The shock registered on Williams' face. "Our Jenny?"

Lee nodded.

"She and McGarrett came in for dinner. When the one guy tried to shoot him, Jenny got in the way and took the bullet."

"Oh my God." Danny breathed. It had never occurred to him that Jenny might be with Steve and that she might have been injured. The nudge of fear in the pit of Danny's stomach turned clammy. Then the urgency of the situation kicked in and he snapped back to the business at hand.

"Get that car in here!" He shouted to Chin who stood beside an unmarked sedan. "Now!"

Chin raised inquisitive brows but motioned the car forward.

Williams jogged over to the waiting ambulance.


"Yes, sir." A dark-haired man shook hands. "Dr. Simons."

"We need you inside that restaurant as soon as the car pulls out. There's a woman inside with a severe bullet wound."

Nodding, the doctor watched the young Five-0 officer run back to his post.


"Gerry!" Heller hissed from his place by the window. "The car's here! They're gettin' out of it and walkin' away!"


Fong poked Steve with the toe of his shoe.

"Up, McGarrett. Let's go."

Reluctantly the detective rose and preceded Fong to the door.

"Now take it real slow, McGarrett." Gerry Fong told him. "We're right behind you."

There was a hushed silence as the trio walked to the awaiting car. McGarrett met his second in command's eyes. Danny made a quick, jerking motion with one hand and Steve nodded imperceptibly.

"All right, McGarrett, open the door." Fong said, eyes sweeping the onlookers.

As he stepped forward to grasp the door handle, Steve dropped to one knee and buried his fist into Heller's groin. The gun went off as Heller doubled over in pain and McGarrett grabbed Fong's gun hand. The two men struggled for possession, rolling over and over on the rocky drive.

Seeing his opportunity, Danny rushed forward, closely followed by Kono and several HPD officers.

The two officers yanked Heller to his feet, handcuffing his wrists behind his back.

Danny grabbed Fong, pulling him out of McGarrett's fierce grip.


"Just this once, Danno." McGarrett's fury burned in the blue eyes, flaring his nostrils as he took a step toward his prey.

"No, Steve!"

"You don't know what he did, Danno." Steve said, but already his anger was abating, replaced by the logic that ruled his world.

"I know Steve. The doctor's with her now."

Suddenly the fight went out of McGarrett and he felt drained. The tension that had been building was gone, leaving him numb.

"Book 'em, Danno. Attempted murder." He turned back toward the restaurant. "I'll see you at the hospital."

Steve reached the door as two attendants wheeled his secretary out on a gurney. She was pale and blood already flooded into her arm through an IV tube.

Mutely Steve followed them to the ambulance and climbed in beside Jenny.

When they were underway, he looked up at the doctor who sat across from him.

"Is -- how is she?"

The doctor met his gaze.

"Fifty-fifty, I'm afraid. She lost a lot of blood."

McGarrett's hand clenched. Then, slowly, he reached out to cover one of Jenny's hands with his own.


Dan Williams stood in the doorway of the hospital waiting room, unwilling to go inside.

McGarrett sat on one end of the sofa, head in his hands, shoulders slumped. Danny couldn't remember the last time Steve had emitted such an air of defeat. Taking a breath, the younger cop stepped into the room.


McGarrett's head came up slowly, brow furrowed as if he'd been woken from sleep.


He ran a hand through his hair, blue eyes haunted with guilt and pain.

Dan sat down next to his friend. He wanted to put a hand on Steve's shoulder, let him know that his pain was shared by himself and the others, but the characteristic wall was intact and Danny didn't feel he could broach it. Not yet.

Instead he asked, "Any word?"

The older man shook his head.

"Not yet, Danno. She lost a lot of blood back there. . . . the bullet . . . ." It caught in his throat and it was several seconds before he went on. "The bullet hit her in the side and passed through. If she doesn't bleed to death..."

Williams felt the tears sting behind his eyes. He was used to Steve being injured, or himself, but somehow sitting here, waiting for word about Jenny had a surreal quality to it that made him shiver -- or was it his fear that sent the chill along his spine?

"That bullet was meant for me, Danno." McGarrett said softly, finally meeting the others' eyes. "That should be me in there, not her! She should be within the circle, Danno! She should be safe!"

"No one is 'safe', Steve. Not the people on the streets, not anybody. That's why we do what we do, to help make it a little safer." Williams paused, this wasn't coming out the way he wanted. "The fact she works for -- y -- us, puts her in danger."

McGarrett gazed at his friend. The words were words he'd already thought of -- rationalized. Somehow he couldn't apply the same adage to Jenny that he did to himself. "It's part of the job." It shouldn't be, not with her. But it was.

And Danny knew that wasn't the problem, not really. The bottom line was Steve's guilt. Jenny had been with him, within his protection, and she'd been struck down by a bullet meant for him. He felt responsible. While Dan knew that in Steve's place, he'd feel the same way, he wished he could ease the suffering he saw in the other man's eyes.

"How is she?" Chin Ho stepped through the door and joined them.

"No word yet." Danny rose to meet the other man, unconsciously taking the attention away from McGarrett's vulnerability.

"What happened, Steve?" Chin asked and immediately regretted the words when he saw McGarrett's tortured expression.

"How's Jenny?" The fourth member of the 5-0 team joined them, concern on his Hawaiian features.

"Doc's still working on her." Danny told him. "We're waiting."

Kono took in the air of depression that filled the tiny room. With a forced cheerfulness he offered;

"Jenny's feisty, she'll make it." Silently he added, 'She's got to.'

The corner of Steve's mouth quirked. "She is that, Kono."


McGarrett jumped to his feet and joined his men as Dr. Bergman came in.

"How is she?"

McGarrett's terseness only highlighted his anxiety. At that moment, Bergman was glad to be bearing good news. McGarrett was very likely to shoot the messenger had his secretary had died.

"She's going to make, Steve. We stopped the bleeding and transfused her blood." He gave the 5-0 chief an encouraging smile. "She'll be fine."

McGarrett's eyes closed and he let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

"Thank God." He murmured. Then, "Can I see her?"

The doctor nodded. "She groggy and weak, but she's asking for you." His gaze swept the group. "All of you." He hesitated. "She's confused about what happened..." At McGarrett's look of alarm, he hurried on. "Nothing unusual about that. She's still in shock, disoriented. I think she just wants to make sure you're all okay."

"Thanks Doc." McGarrett took his friend's hand in a firm clasp. "Thanks."

"She's a strong lady, Steve. A lot of people, man or woman, wouldn't have held on."

Once more McGarrett felt the tremor go through him and he leaned against the cool tile wall.

Bergman turned to leave.

"One at a time! Ten minutes, no more. I'll be on call tonight if anything happens." He smiled. "But it won't. She's out of danger."

Kono started down the hallway.

"I'll go first, brudders. Jenny sees your faces right now you'll scare her."

Danny was glad to see Steve chuckle at the Hawaiian's remark. Some of the color was seeping back into McGarrett's face and for the first time since he'd arrived at the hospital, Dan thought he might not suggest he drive McGarrett home.

When Kono returned, Chin took his turn then let Danny go in.

He found Jenny exhausted and weak but smiling. She held out a hand to him and he took it in both of hers.

"What's this I hear about you worrying?" Williams said sternly. "You're supposed to rest."

"I am resting." Jenny protested.

Her voice was low and thready, but he detected a hint of her old fire nevertheless.

Danny sat on the edge of the bed, her hand still in his.

"We're all fine. I want you to get a lot of sleep and concentrate on getting out of here." He leaned forward with an air of confidentiality. "I can vouch for the fact that the food stinks in here."

Jenny smiled up at him.

"Kono already promised to bring me Uncle Lee's takeout."


The woman's face clouded.

"Danny, how's Steve?"

"He's fine. He wasn't injured at all."

Danny knew he wasn't answering her question, but maybe she'd accept his answer. He should have known better.

"Inside, Danny. He's feeling guilty about what happened, isn't he?"

Dan smiled ruefully.

"Maybe a little. You know Steve, he thinks there should be an invisible shield over all his people and when somebody gets hurt it's like a punch in the face."

"I know." She squeezed her hand. "You guys take care of him." She frowned in mock concern. "And you're not allowed to like my replacement too much."

Danny laughed. "Not possible. We'll be completely lost until you get back."

He stood, then bent to kiss her forehead.

"You just get better, Jenny." He squeezed her hand. "We need you back."

"Thanks, Danny."

"I'll send Steve in."

She watched the young cop leave, a familiar glow of pride washing over her. They were really wonderful men, all of them, but she felt a special pride over Danny and Steve.

Her thoughts turned to her boss and she shook her head against the pillow. Despite Danny's attempt to gloss over it, she knew that McGarrett was probably racked with guilt and she in turn felt badly.

"Hey, pretty lady."

She looked up to see the object of her thoughts standing in the doorway. He moved to her side, claiming the spot Williams had just vacated.

He looked haggard and exhausted but physically unharmed. Jenny breathed a sigh of relief. Her memory of the night's events was hazy and she hadn't been certain that McGarrett had escaped unharmed.

"How you feel?" Steve asked her.

"Fine." Jenny assured him. "Just tired."

McGarrett took her hand, rubbing her fingers between his own.

"I'm sorry, Jenny. I--"

"Hush." She told him sternly. "It wasn't your fault, Boss. It was just one of those things. Nobody could have foreseen it and it could just as easily have been you laying there bleeding --"

She stopped at the look on his face.

"I'm sorry Steve."

"No, you're right. I just..."

Steve brought her fingers to his lips, blue eyes meeting brown.

"When we were in that restaurant waiting, and there was nothing I could do for you, nothing to get you out of there. I promised myself that if we made it out I was going to say some things that I've been too busy and too proud, to say before."

"Steve." Jenny touched his arm with her other hand. "You don't have to. I know--"

"That's not good enough, Jenny. Not this time. You should know how much you mean to us -- to me. I don't know how we'd get through the day without you outside, sorting out the people that call and come in. You stay 'til all hours with us and you comfort us when we're sick and depressed with this whole, ugly business we're in. You encourage us and you take care of us. You're part of the family, Jenny, and when I thought you might not be there any more. . . ." McGarrett took a breath and plunged ahead, before he lost his nerve. "You're part of my family, Jenny, just like Danno and Chin and Kono, and when something happens, when someone hurts..." He stopped.

Jenny hardly noticed the vice grip in which McGarrett held her hand. Unbidden tears slipped down her cheeks to soak the pillow.

"I know. I feel the same way about all of you. Why do you think I don't mind staying until all hours of the night? Why do you think I badger you guys about eating and sleeping and force you to take vitamins?" She grinned at him, forcing down the emotions that burned in her chest. She was touched by McGarrett's uncharacteristic show of feelings but she knew that tears would only make him more uncomfortable.

"You and Danny and the others are my family, too, Steve. I love you all and I worry about you. That's the way families are. So stop fighting it and go home and get some sleep." She tried to sound stern. "Now."

"Yes ma'am." Steve gave her a pilot's salute, then leaned forward to kiss her cheek. "I'll check in on you tomorrow."

"If you have time." Jenny told him.

Tenderly McGarrett brushed the back of his fingers across her cheek.

"I'll have time. You get some sleep."

He moved toward the door, turning back when Jenny called his name.

"Thanks, Steve."

He smiled the first genuine smile of the night.

"Goodnight, Jenny."

"'Night, Boss."

McGarrett switched off the overhead light as he left and Jenny settled into the softness of her pillows. After the floor of Lee's restaurant, it felt very good. A warm glow burned within her that eased the pain in her body like no drugs ever could. She wasn't alone, she was cared about and she was needed. Jenny smiled. And when you got right down to it, what more could you ask for?